Once enuresis is identified, an enuresis-focused history should be taken. This specific history includes frequency of enuretic episodes, dura tion of enuresis, general sleep patterns, developmental history, child's related feelings tamily history, current medi cations, and recent stress or trauma. If the child had received previous evalu- ations or treatment for enuresis, these should be reviewed as well. Every child experiencing enuresis needs a thor ough physical evaluation by a primary care provider; special attention should be given to enlarged adenoids or ton- Sils (due to the relationship between enuresis and obstructive sleep apnea), bladder distention, constipation with or without fecal impaction, abnormali ties in genitalia, spinal cord defect, or neurological symptoms. Urinalysis and urine culture are usually the only labo ratory tests needed initially. Families should complete a 2-week sleep record